Wellington Land Surveying is a professional land surveying company based in Meridian, Idaho. We are licensed in 6 states in which our services are allowed to be performed legally to provide the services defined in the licensing laws found in that state’s Statutes and Regulations.
It is important to know that there are variations from state to state in the terminology used to describe a Professional Surveyor. As a licensed land surveyor, we are able to establish or re-establish land boundaries with regards to ownership or rights in real property (land, easements, and rights-of-way, etc.).
Land Surveying
Land Surveying has been an essential element in the development of human endeavors since the beginning of recorded history, and it is still a requirement in the planning and execution of nearly every form of construction today. At Wellington Land Surveying, we perform traditional land surveying using modern surveying equipment.
The first step prior to performing a land survey is to research the records that are pertinent to the project: record title, deeds, existing easements, records of survey, documentation records, and any available documentation from various public and private records that provide relevant data for completing the project.
The next step is the field survey. This is the process in which we conduct a Land Surveying field examination of the site and gather data, generally by using surveying equipment, such as a total station (electronic theodolite), the data collector (electronic data recorder), and/or Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment.
Evaluating the measurement data, records, and physical evidence found in the field is the major responsibility of the Professional Land Surveyor providing a boundary survey.
Wellington Land Surveying is a professionally Licensed Land Surveyor in the following states: Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Washington.